About me

I'm Pablo Gutiérrez, a software developer and researcher currently pursuing a PhD in software engineering and artificial intelligence at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Who am I?

I’m Pablo, a software developer with an emphasis on web, videogames and AI based in Madrid. I’m also a predoctoral fellow at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2021, working on the development of AI-powered tools to aid in the design and testing of videogames.

What have I been doing?

  1. 📜 I am now working as a predoctoral fellow at the Complutense University of Madrid doing research in different areas. If you are interested in this you can find out more about the specifics at the Research section of this page.
  2. 🎮 After graduating from college I started working at Padaone Games as a full-time software developer, where I undertook a variety of tasks and roles including:
    • 🇪🇺 Lead developer for a web-based framework (using React and NodeJS with Typescript) framed within the SPICE European project aimed at fostering social cohesion through cultural engagement at museums. This consists of a series of citizen curation activity templates that can be used to easily configure and launch interactive experiences at different museums.
    • 🧠 AI Researcher on the use of Reinforcement Learning techniques to support Quality Assurance teams in videogame development studios with automated testing tools using ML Agents and Unity 3D .
    • 🏇 Lead developer for a real-time web game, "Technological Races", for training centers using React and Phaser.
  3. 👨🏻‍🏫 Midway through 2021 I got the chance to work as a visiting professor at the Francisco de Vitoria University teaching Game Programming in Unity and later on Game Balancing and Testing at the Bachellor in Videogame creation and narration.

What did I study?

  1. 🇪🇸 I studied a double bachellor in Computer Engineering and Mathematics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid for 5 years, graduating in 2020.
  2. 🇦🇹 In the summer of 2018, after finishing my third year of college, I spent a few months doing an internship at Catalysts GmbH Linz (now called Cloudfight), where I worked on developing web tools using Angular for artificial intelligence model training tasks.
  3. 🇩🇪 I spent my fourth year of college undertaking an Erasmus exchange at the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin.
  4. 🇪🇸 After graduating from college, I went on to pursue a Master's degree in Computational statistical processing of information at the Complutense and Polytechnic Universities of Madrid.

Other Facts About me

  1. ✍️ On this website, I write articles about web and game development, as well as posts related to AI and other similar topics that I find interesting in the context of my trade.
  2. 🌐 I am a passionate language learner, currently tackling German and Japanese, and sometimes post about my language-learning journey in this section.
  3. 🕹️ I really enjoy games, both in video and board formats, and ramble about my experiences with them in this section.

Get in Touch

Work Experience

  1. Complutense University of Madrid
    Complutense University of Madrid
    Predoctoral Fellow
    2022 — Present
  2. Padaone Games
    Padaone Games
    Software Developer
    2020 — 2022
  3. Francisco de Vitoria University
    Francisco de Vitoria University
    Visiting Professor
    2021 — 2022
  4. Catalysts GmbH Linz
    Catalysts GmbH Linz
    Software Development Intern
    Summer 2018


  1. Spanish
    Native speaker
  2. English
    Full professional and academic competence
  3. German
    Academic competence
  4. Japanese
    Basic limited competence